Herbicide Resistance and Integrated Weed Management
How to Manage Herbicide Resistance with IWM
Integrated weed management (IWM) describes the practice of using multiple control tactics to manage weeds. This GROW educational page will dive deeper into how integrated approaches using both chemical and non-chemical tactics can help prevent and manage herbicide-resistant weeds on your farm. It presents a comprehensive overview of herbicide resistance management through a series of boxes, which open up to give the reader detailed answers to 10 fundamental questions. Let GROW be part of your solution to better weed management.

William Curran, Penn State University (Emeritus)
Claudio Rubione, GROW
Emily Unglesbee, GROW
Mark VanGessel, University of Delaware
Aaron Hager, University of Illinois
Vipan Kumar, Cornell University
Patrick Tranel, University of Illinois
Arizona State University Ask a Biologist https://askabiologist.asu.edu/gene-drives Accessed, October 25, 2023.
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Steckel L, McNeal J, Mueller T, Reeves J, Brown B, Raper T, Richmond M, Rhodes GN, and Hayes R. (2024) University of Tennessee Weed Control Guide. https://utia.tennessee.edu/publications/wp-content/uploads/sites/269/2023/12/PB1580.pdf
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