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What is IWM?

Integrated Weed Management (IWM) is the practice of combining multiple techniques to increase the effectiveness of, but not necessarily replace, herbicide use. Techniques include:

What is GROW?

GROW (Getting Rid of Weeds) is a scientist-led network coordinating research to help farmers across the U.S. fight herbicide resistance, by using a greater diversity of weed control strategies to complement chemical use.

Our Mission

GROW aims to provide information on tools such as cover crops, increased crop competition, harvest weed seed control and more, with the goal of being an industry resource on integrated weed management.

Why does it matter?

Herbicides need help. Faced with mounting herbicide-resistance, the rising cost of chemicals, continued regulatory scrutiny and changing consumer preferences, farmers are in critical need of more diversified weed management options. Using an array of different weed control strategies can make farms more resilient and sustainable.

Organizations Involved

GROW is a collaborative effort by many experts and organizations.