

ToolsFact SheetBulletins

The Weed Management Planner

The Weed Management Planner lets farmers quickly evaluate the effect of weed and crop management tactics on each individual weed.

News Stories

News Stories

Find Your Favorite Weed ID Tool

GROW’s Weed Identification page contains a growing list of weed identification resources, from webpage tools to mobile apps…
News Stories

How a National Image Repository Can Transform Agriculture

Learn how the image repository is built and how it can open doors to more affordable and accessible “smart” precision ag…
News Stories

The Lowdown on Flowering Weeds & Viable Seeds

Those weed escapes in your fields may be getting ready to make their annual seedbank deposit sooner than you realize. In fact…



A Deep Dive Into Mapping Fields with High Speed Cameras

This high-speed camera system aims to help farmers map the crops, weeds, and cover crops in their fields, to fine-tune management.

How a National Image Repository Can Transform Agriculture

The National Agricultural Image Repository (NAIR) is a large-scale, multi-state effort to build and share weed and crop images,…
Giant foxtail panicle

How to Identify Summer Grass Weeds by Their Seedhead


Identifying summer annual grasses in grain crops

Fact Sheet

Fact SheetBulletins

GROW’s Weed ID Library

Learn and download bulletins on the biology and management of the most common and troublesome weeds in U.S. row crops.
ToolsFact SheetBulletins

The Weed Management Planner

The Weed Management Planner lets farmers quickly evaluate the effect of weed and crop management tactics on each individual weed.


Fact SheetBulletins

GROW’s Weed ID Library

Learn and download bulletins on the biology and management of the most common and troublesome weeds in U.S. row crops.



Cover Crops Incentives Explorer Tool

Explore the cover crop incentive programs from the federal government and select states.

Midwest Cover Crop Decision Tool

Explore and select the right cover crop for your farming operation in the Midwest

Northeast Cover Crop Species Selector Tool

Explore and select the right cover crop for your farming needs in the Northeast U.S.

News Stories

News Stories

A Better View of Cover Crops Could Help Weed Control

Researchers are working to create a mobile app that allows a grower to map where their cover crop is sparse. This will show the…
News Stories

Cover Crops and Residual Herbicides Team Up Against Palmer Amaranth

Kansas State researchers show that a one-two punch of cover crop residue and residual herbicides may be able to knock this…
News Stories

Cover Crops and Weed Control in the Southeast: A Battle for Resources

Weeds suppressed by cover crops recover quickly in the Southeast U.S., so farmers must layer that tactic carefully, researchers…
News Stories

Explore How Planting Green Affects Crop Insects and Disease

A seminar series from the ag tech research organization, Precision Sustainable Agriculture (PSA), is featuring some of the work…

Farmer Forum

Farmer ForumVideosWebinars

Farmer Forum Recap: Cover Crop Seeding

Listen in as a panel of farmers from Delaware, New York and Texas discuss their experience with all aspects of cover crop seeding.
Farmer ForumVideosWebinars

Farmer Forum Recap: Cover Crop Termination

Listen in as a panel of farmers from Wisconsin, Virginia and Pennsylvania discuss their strategies for cover crop termination in…



A Deep Dive Into Mapping Fields with High Speed Cameras

This high-speed camera system aims to help farmers map the crops, weeds, and cover crops in their fields, to fine-tune management.

A Look at Planter Adjustments for Planting into Cover Crops

Watch this video for an in-depth look at how Harborview Farms has adjusted their planters to plant green into high residue cover…
VideosCase Studies

Farmer Case Study: Managing Weeds & N with Cover Crops

Learn how and why VA farmer Anthony Beery uses wheat as a cover crop to suppress weeds, and get some tips on how to manage…
Farmer ForumVideosWebinars

Farmer Forum Recap: Cover Crop Seeding

Listen in as a panel of farmers from Delaware, New York and Texas discuss their experience with all aspects of cover crop seeding.

Fact Sheet

Fact SheetBulletins

National Cover Crop Survey Report 2022-23

The  National Cover Crop Survey is an annual review of farmers’ use of cover crops, conducted by the Conservation Technology…
ToolsFact SheetBulletins

The Weed Management Planner

The Weed Management Planner lets farmers quickly evaluate the effect of weed and crop management tactics on each individual weed.

Case Studies

VideosCase Studies

Farmer Case Study: Managing Weeds & N with Cover Crops

Learn how and why VA farmer Anthony Beery uses wheat as a cover crop to suppress weeds, and get some tips on how to manage…
Case Studies

Weed management with cover crops: The experience of farmer Taylor Clarke, His Experience as a Farmer

Case Studies

Using “planting green” to help manage weeds


Farmer ForumVideosWebinars

Farmer Forum Recap: Cover Crop Seeding

Listen in as a panel of farmers from Delaware, New York and Texas discuss their experience with all aspects of cover crop seeding.
Farmer ForumVideosWebinars

Farmer Forum Recap: Cover Crop Termination

Listen in as a panel of farmers from Wisconsin, Virginia and Pennsylvania discuss their strategies for cover crop termination in…


Fact SheetBulletins

National Cover Crop Survey Report 2022-23

The  National Cover Crop Survey is an annual review of farmers’ use of cover crops, conducted by the Conservation Technology…

Organic No-Till Soybean Production in PA: Is It For You?

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of different non-chemical and non-tillage weed control options for Mid-Atlantic…
ToolsFact SheetBulletins

The Weed Management Planner

The Weed Management Planner lets farmers quickly evaluate the effect of weed and crop management tactics on each individual weed.



How to quantify the benefits of cover crops with USDA’s Steven Mirsky

In a recent episode of the Strip-Till Farmer podcast, associate editor Sarah Hill talked with Steven Mirsky about adopting cover…

War against weeds: Sarah, Joe, and Mandy are three Extension weed scientists on a mission to help their audience understand what it takes for farmers to fight the war against weeds.


ToolsFact SheetBulletins

The Weed Management Planner

The Weed Management Planner lets farmers quickly evaluate the effect of weed and crop management tactics on each individual weed.

News Stories

News Stories

Meet Science for Success! 

Science for Success is a group of soybean researchers and extension specialists dedicated to delivering Best Management…



High residue cultivator for weed management on cash crops after high cover crop biomass

Fact Sheet

ToolsFact SheetBulletins

The Weed Management Planner

The Weed Management Planner lets farmers quickly evaluate the effect of weed and crop management tactics on each individual weed.



Mechanical weed control: Post-plant


Mechanical weed control: Pre-plant

ToolsFact SheetBulletins

The Weed Management Planner

The Weed Management Planner lets farmers quickly evaluate the effect of weed and crop management tactics on each individual weed.



War against weeds: Sarah, Joe, and Mandy are three Extension weed scientists on a mission to help their audience understand what it takes for farmers to fight the war against weeds.



Take Action’s Herbicide Site of Action Lookup Tool

Use Take Action’s tool to quickly identify the SOA of popular herbicide brands you may be using or considering.
ToolsFact SheetBulletins

The Weed Management Planner

The Weed Management Planner lets farmers quickly evaluate the effect of weed and crop management tactics on each individual weed.

WSU’s Herbicide Mechanisms of Action: Wheat

Query a database of herbicide trade names, active ingredients, mechanisms of action, and Washington weed species with confirmed…

News Stories

News StoriesVideos

Cheatgrass (Downy Brome) Management in the Western U.S. 

Learn about the latest tricks to defeat this invasive weed species from Montana State University Extension weed specialist Dr….
News Stories

Cover Crops and Residual Herbicides Team Up Against Palmer Amaranth

Kansas State researchers show that a one-two punch of cover crop residue and residual herbicides may be able to knock this…
News Stories

EPA Visits MD Farms to Talk Weeds & Pesticide Labels

The tour aimed to give these agency scientists an on-the-ground, regional perspective on herbicide-resistant weeds and the…
News Stories

How to Manage Weeds in the Face of Regulation and Resistance

Pesticide regulation and herbicide resistance are undergoing significant changes that may seriously limit herbicide options….

Farmer Forum

Farmer ForumVideosWebinars

Farmer Forum Recap: Using Drones for Weed Management

Watch a discussion of the current state of drone scouting, mapping and herbicide applications for weed management, as well as the…


News StoriesVideos

Cheatgrass (Downy Brome) Management in the Western U.S. 

Learn about the latest tricks to defeat this invasive weed species from Montana State University Extension weed specialist Dr….
Farmer ForumVideosWebinars

Farmer Forum Recap: Using Drones for Weed Management

Watch a discussion of the current state of drone scouting, mapping and herbicide applications for weed management, as well as the…
News StoriesVideos

New Herbicide-Tolerant Traits Could Boost Sorghum’s Rotational Benefits

The three new herbicide-tolerant (non-GMO) traits entering the market expand sorghum postemergence grass weed control options,…

New Research on How to Apply Residual Herbicides When Planting Green

Learn about new research on when best to apply residual herbicides in planting green soybean systems, from a multi-state study.

Fact Sheet

ToolsFact SheetBulletins

The Weed Management Planner

The Weed Management Planner lets farmers quickly evaluate the effect of weed and crop management tactics on each individual weed.


Farmer ForumVideosWebinars

Farmer Forum Recap: Using Drones for Weed Management

Watch a discussion of the current state of drone scouting, mapping and herbicide applications for weed management, as well as the…
News StoriesVideosWebinars

Three Things to Know About Spot Spray Technology Today

Learn the three major takeaways from a University of Wisconsin webinar on the status and future of precision spray technology.
Herbicide-resistant and susceptible waterhemp

Why Care About Metabolic Herbicide Resistance?

This video is a recording of the first webinar in Take Action’s 2022 Inside Weed Management Webinar Series. This series…



Chemical control: Herbicide management issues

ToolsFact SheetBulletins

The Weed Management Planner

The Weed Management Planner lets farmers quickly evaluate the effect of weed and crop management tactics on each individual weed.



War against weeds: Sarah, Joe, and Mandy are three Extension weed scientists on a mission to help their audience understand what it takes for farmers to fight the war against weeds.


ToolsFact SheetBulletins

The Weed Management Planner

The Weed Management Planner lets farmers quickly evaluate the effect of weed and crop management tactics on each individual weed.

News Stories

News Stories

Catch & Kill: Targeting the Seedbank with Harvest Weed Seed Control

University of Missouri research suggests seed impact mills can reduce the vast deposits of weed seeds buried in Midwest crop…
News Stories

Chaff Lining Limits Weed Seed Spread at Harvest, Research Finds

Iowa State researchers found that the use of chaff lining concentrated 99% of waterhemp seeds to just 5% of the field, where they…
News StoriesVideos

Cheatgrass (Downy Brome) Management in the Western U.S. 

Learn about the latest tricks to defeat this invasive weed species from Montana State University Extension weed specialist Dr….
News Stories

Cover Crops and Residual Herbicides Team Up Against Palmer Amaranth

Kansas State researchers show that a one-two punch of cover crop residue and residual herbicides may be able to knock this…

Farmer Forum

Farmer ForumVideosWebinars

Farmer Forum Recap: Cover Crop Seeding

Listen in as a panel of farmers from Delaware, New York and Texas discuss their experience with all aspects of cover crop seeding.



A Look at Planter Adjustments for Planting into Cover Crops

Watch this video for an in-depth look at how Harborview Farms has adjusted their planters to plant green into high residue cover…
News StoriesVideos

Cheatgrass (Downy Brome) Management in the Western U.S. 

Learn about the latest tricks to defeat this invasive weed species from Montana State University Extension weed specialist Dr….
VideosCase Studies

Farmer Case Study: Managing Weeds & N with Cover Crops

Learn how and why VA farmer Anthony Beery uses wheat as a cover crop to suppress weeds, and get some tips on how to manage…
Farmer ForumVideosWebinars

Farmer Forum Recap: Cover Crop Seeding

Listen in as a panel of farmers from Delaware, New York and Texas discuss their experience with all aspects of cover crop seeding.

Fact Sheet

Fact SheetBulletins

National Cover Crop Survey Report 2022-23

The  National Cover Crop Survey is an annual review of farmers’ use of cover crops, conducted by the Conservation Technology…
ToolsFact SheetBulletins

The Weed Management Planner

The Weed Management Planner lets farmers quickly evaluate the effect of weed and crop management tactics on each individual weed.

Case Studies

VideosCase Studies

Farmer Case Study: Managing Weeds & N with Cover Crops

Learn how and why VA farmer Anthony Beery uses wheat as a cover crop to suppress weeds, and get some tips on how to manage…
News StoriesVideosCase Studies

HWSC in the Pacific Northwest: Druffel Farms Adds a Seed Impact Mill to Manage Weeds

Learn why Druffel Farms in Uniontown, WA have added a Seed Terminator to their weed management program.
News StoriesVideosCase Studies

HWSC in the Pacific Northwest: Farmers Lead the Way in this Series

In a series of four videos, GROW spotlights four farmers who have integrated harvest weed seed control tactics into their…
News StoriesVideosCase Studies

HWSC in the Pacific Northwest: Greene Ridge Farms Tackles Tough Weeds with Seed Impact Mill

Greene Ridge Farms recently added a seed impact mill, the Redekop SCU, to help manage cheatgrass (downy brome) and sterile brome.


Farmer ForumVideosWebinars

Farmer Forum Recap: Cover Crop Seeding

Listen in as a panel of farmers from Delaware, New York and Texas discuss their experience with all aspects of cover crop seeding.

IWM Workshop Topic #3: Integrating management of Palmer amaranth, common ragweed and horseweed


IWM Topic #4: Local farmer perspectives on resistance weed management.


Fact SheetBulletins

National Cover Crop Survey Report 2022-23

The  National Cover Crop Survey is an annual review of farmers’ use of cover crops, conducted by the Conservation Technology…

Organic No-Till Soybean Production in PA: Is It For You?

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of different non-chemical and non-tillage weed control options for Mid-Atlantic…
ToolsFact SheetBulletins

The Weed Management Planner

The Weed Management Planner lets farmers quickly evaluate the effect of weed and crop management tactics on each individual weed.

Considerations for terminating cover crops for weed management



War against weeds: Sarah, Joe, and Mandy are three Extension weed scientists on a mission to help their audience understand what it takes for farmers to fight the war against weeds.


Weeds AR wild: A regional in real time podcast about weed management podcast.


ToolsFact SheetBulletins

The Weed Management Planner

The Weed Management Planner lets farmers quickly evaluate the effect of weed and crop management tactics on each individual weed.

News Stories

News Stories

A Weed Seed Killing Machine: Testing the Redekop Seed Control Unit

Catch up on Virginia Tech researchers’ preliminary results on the Redekop SCU’s effect on weed seeds.
News StoriesCase Studies

Are You A Fan of DIY Weed Control? Try Chaff Lining.

Harvest weed seed control doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive. Just ask Michael Flessner, Extension Weed Specialist at…
News Stories

Can Weeds Adapt to Beat Harvest Weed Seed Control?

Scientists are studying how weeds might flower earlier, disperse their seeds sooner, and thus outsmart harvest weed seed control…
News Stories

Catch & Kill: Targeting the Seedbank with Harvest Weed Seed Control

University of Missouri research suggests seed impact mills can reduce the vast deposits of weed seeds buried in Midwest crop…

Farmer Forum

Farmer ForumVideosWebinars

Farmer Forum Recap: Americans Talk Harvest Weed Seed Control with International Experts

Farmer ForumVideosWebinars

Farmer Forum Recap: Combine Set-Up for Threshing Green Material

Farmer ForumVideosWebinars

Farmer Forum Recap: How to Optimize Threshing and Separating for Harvest Weed Seed Control



Does Harvest Weed Seed Control Work in Rice Fields?

News StoriesVideosCase Studies

Eastern Shore Farmer Tries Chaff Lining to Defeat Weeds

Learn how one farmer is using chaff lining to manage weeds on his operation near Eastville, Virginia, on the Eastern Shore. 
Farmer ForumVideosWebinars

Farmer Forum Recap: Americans Talk Harvest Weed Seed Control with International Experts

Fact Sheet

ToolsFact SheetBulletins

The Weed Management Planner

The Weed Management Planner lets farmers quickly evaluate the effect of weed and crop management tactics on each individual weed.

Case Studies

News StoriesCase Studies

Are You A Fan of DIY Weed Control? Try Chaff Lining.

Harvest weed seed control doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive. Just ask Michael Flessner, Extension Weed Specialist at…
News StoriesVideosCase Studies

Eastern Shore Farmer Tries Chaff Lining to Defeat Weeds

Learn how one farmer is using chaff lining to manage weeds on his operation near Eastville, Virginia, on the Eastern Shore. 
News StoriesVideosCase Studies

HWSC in the Pacific Northwest: Druffel Farms Adds a Seed Impact Mill to Manage Weeds

Learn why Druffel Farms in Uniontown, WA have added a Seed Terminator to their weed management program.
News StoriesVideosCase Studies

HWSC in the Pacific Northwest: Farmers Lead the Way in this Series

In a series of four videos, GROW spotlights four farmers who have integrated harvest weed seed control tactics into their…


Farmer ForumVideosWebinars

Farmer Forum Recap: Americans Talk Harvest Weed Seed Control with International Experts

Farmer ForumVideosWebinars

Farmer Forum Recap: Combine Set-Up for Threshing Green Material

Farmer ForumVideosWebinars

Farmer Forum Recap: How to Optimize Threshing and Separating for Harvest Weed Seed Control


ToolsFact SheetBulletins

The Weed Management Planner

The Weed Management Planner lets farmers quickly evaluate the effect of weed and crop management tactics on each individual weed.

Chaff lining in soybean fields for Palmer amaranth management


News Stories

News Stories

A Better View of Cover Crops Could Help Weed Control

Researchers are working to create a mobile app that allows a grower to map where their cover crop is sparse. This will show the…
News Stories

After the Volts: Is Weed Electrocution Safe for the Soil?

Is weed electrocution safe for soil organisms? So far, so good, according to preliminary research results.
News Stories

Evaluating a New Weed Killer: Blue Light and Heat

Texas A&M is one of the universities studying how the Directed Energy Unit uses blue light and infrared heat to kill weed…
News Stories

GROW Reports on New Harvest Weed Seed Control Research in Australia

Learn about Australian research on harvest weed seed control with stripper headers and the Directed Energy Unit.

Farmer Forum

Farmer ForumVideosWebinars

Farmer Forum Recap: Using Drones for Weed Management

Watch a discussion of the current state of drone scouting, mapping and herbicide applications for weed management, as well as the…



A Deep Dive Into Mapping Fields with High Speed Cameras

This high-speed camera system aims to help farmers map the crops, weeds, and cover crops in their fields, to fine-tune management.
Farmer ForumVideosWebinars

Farmer Forum Recap: Using Drones for Weed Management

Watch a discussion of the current state of drone scouting, mapping and herbicide applications for weed management, as well as the…

How a National Image Repository Can Transform Agriculture

The National Agricultural Image Repository (NAIR) is a large-scale, multi-state effort to build and share weed and crop images,…


Farmer ForumVideosWebinars

Farmer Forum Recap: Using Drones for Weed Management

Watch a discussion of the current state of drone scouting, mapping and herbicide applications for weed management, as well as the…
News StoriesVideosWebinars

Three Things to Know About Spot Spray Technology Today

Learn the three major takeaways from a University of Wisconsin webinar on the status and future of precision spray technology.