Catch Up On GROW’s Latest Cover Crop Research

Dr. John Wallace. (Photo credit: Claudio Rubione)

GROW was recently featured in the Illinois Cover Crop On-Farm Network’s webinar series, “Weeds & Diseases & Pests, Oh My!” 

Penn State University Extension Weed Specialist Dr. John Wallace gave the network an overview of GROW’s latest cover crop research and findings, with a special focus on the practice of planting green and the challenges of integrating the practice into a conventional row crop operation. 

The webinar, which was facilitated by the Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership, is available for viewing from the group’s YouTube channel, below. You can use the time stamps below to navigate: 

  • 00:00: Introduction to ICCON and the webinar series
  • 03:36: Overview of the GROW network and its resources (Emily Unglesbee)
  • 08:33: Introduction to GROW cover crop research (John Wallace)
  • 10:10: Planting green: Feedback from early-adopters
  • 13:30: GROW’s 9-state experiment on planting green in no-till soybeans
  • 17:40: Planting green effects on soil moisture
  • 19:40: Planting green effects on soybean yield
  • 23:40: Planting green and weed densities
  • 26:30: Planting green and PRE residual herbicide interactions
  • 34:00: Q&A begins

Read a summary of the webinar from Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership here. See more videos from ISAP here: 

See more from GROW on cover crops on the Cover Crop Management webpage, Cover Crop Termination webpage and our News page. 

Text by Emily Unglesbee, GROW