Palmer amaranth

[…] In many parts of the US, fall-emerging plants can complete their life-cycle and produce viable seeds prior to frost....


[…] seedling emergence, leaf hair density decreases as leaves grow. After the button stage, kochia leaves maintain fine...


Scan to discover! The Integrated Weed Management (IWM) Resource Center, "GROW" is a place to find helpful, research - based...

Italian ryegrass

[…] from the straw in a simila r way, then the seeds rot or germinate and then die due to poor seed -soil contact in the...


Scan to discover! The Integrated Weed Management (IWM) Resource Center, "GROW" is a place to find helpful, research - based...

Common Lambsquarters

Scan to discover! The Integrated Weed Management (IWM) Resource Center, "GROW" is a place to find helpful, research - based...

Rettail Fescue

[…] publications are produced cooperatively by the three Pacific Northwest land -grant universities: Washington State...