
[…] Rubione, University of Delaware Ensure weed-free inputs to prevent weed seeds from entering the field Prevention is...

Rush Skeletonweed

[…] the Pacific Northwest (defined here as Washington, Or - egon, and Idaho) and California is in the millions and...

Palmer Amaranth

[…] parts of the US, fall -emerging plants can complete their life -cycle and produce viable seeds prior to frost....

Palmer Amaranth

[…] parts of the US, fall -emerging plants can complete their life -cycle and produce viable seeds prior to frost....

Palmer Amaranth

[…] parts of the US, fall -emerging plants can complete their life -cycle and produce viable seeds prior to frost....


[…] seed if the surface soil is completely inverted. Some of the newer plows only turn the furrow on edge, and secondary...

Horseweed factsheet

[…] the plant gaining size rapidly, making control much more difficult. In mid - to late - summer a cluster of branching...

Field Bindweed

[…] the depth from where the root seg- ment originated. Fragments taken from below the plow layer are much more likely to...