Penn State Guide Details Interseeding Cover Crops in Corn Production

Want to introduce cover crops into your farming operation, but are too tight on time in the fall? Interseeding cover crops into standing corn might be a good fit for you. 

The benefits that cover crops provide by suppressing weeds and helping with soil erosion and health are undeniable, but implementing them can be difficult due to the crunch of harvest time activities and a short post-harvest growing season. 

To combat this problem, Penn State has released a farmer-forward guide titled, “Interseeding Cover Crops in Corn Production, Best Practices for Drill-Interseeding in Mid-Atlantic Crop Systems,” which details how to use drill-interseeding to plant cover crops into standing corn. This two-part guide is intended to help farmers decide if drill-interseeding is the best cover crop planting  method for their corn production, and if so, how to choose the best cover crops and herbicide applications for drill-interseeding. 

Dr. John Wallace in cover crops interseeded into standing corn. (Photo credits: John Wallace, PSU and Claudio Rubione, GROW; Graphic credit: Amy Sullivan, GROW)

The Best Management Practices for Drill-Interseeding Cover Crops 

Part one of the guide titled, “The Best Management Practices for Drill-Interseeding Cover Crops,” provides an introduction to drill-interseeding cover crops, factors that affect drill-interseeding, and the necessary considerations for drill-interseeding. This section covers topics such as: 

  • Drill-interseeding in the Mid-Atlantic region
  • Drill-interseeding versus broadcast-interseeding
  • Costs and labor
  • Crop and weed management
  • Cover crop species selection and seeding rates

Herbicide Program Details for Interseeded Cover Crops

In part two of the guide titled, “Herbicide Program Details for Interseeded Cover Crops,” farmers learn about the best soil properties, herbicide properties, and weather conditions for determining  herbicide programs for interseeded cover crops, with the guide covering specific topics such as: 

  • Herbicide injury risk to interseeded cover crops
  • Herbicide program recommendations
  • Cover crop sensitivity to corn herbicides

The guide details everything farmers need to know when it comes to drill-interseeding cover crops into corn production. The guide is available for free download on Penn State’s Extension website, and is explained by Penn State’s John Wallace on GROW’s YouTube channel. Visit GROW’s cover crops webpage for more information on cover crops.

Text by Amy Sullivan, GROW; Header photo by Dr. William Curran, GROW and PSU Emeritus.