GROW Releases New Herbicide Resistance Resource for the Industry

As herbicide resistance spreads, so must education on what it is and how to manage it.

That’s the goal behind GROW’s newest resource – a two-part, interactive webpage series that helps define the problem of herbicide resistance and then offers best management practices to fight it.

The new pages, The Basics of Herbicide Resistance and How to Manage Herbicide Resistance with IWM (Integrated Weed Management), were written by Penn State emeritus weed scientist (and GROW outreach member) Dr. Bill Curran, in conjunction with GROW outreach specialist Claudio Rubione. Both pages can be found under the Herbicide Resistance tab on GROW’s website.

Listen to Curran introduce the new web resources and what they offer interested readers here:

The Basics of Herbicide Resistance

This page outlines and answers 10 fundamental questions about herbicide resistance, namely:

  1. How do we define herbicide resistance, susceptibility, and tolerance?
  2. How does herbicide resistance happen?
  3. Can you reverse herbicide resistance?
  4. What does it cost to manage herbicide resistance?
  5. How do you identify herbicide resistance?
  6. How are herbicides classified based on modes of action (MOA)?
  7. What are cross and multiple herbicide resistance?
  8. What are the mechanisms for herbicide resistance?
  9. Are all weeds and herbicides vulnerable to resistance?
  10. What can we expect from new herbicide modes-of-action or other technologies?

How to Manage Herbicide Resistance with IWM

Once readers have a better understanding of the primary concepts behind herbicide resistance, the second webpage tackles the thornier question facing American farmers: How on earth do we manage weeds in the face of this epidemic?

The answer, while far from simple, lies in understanding and executing integrated weed management, along with good herbicide stewardship. The webpage walks readers through the necessary knowledge and background to tackle this, by answering the following 10 questions in pop-out sections:

  1. What is Integrated Weed Management?
  2. What strategies are important for implementing IWM?
  3. How do herbicide-resistant weeds spread?
  4. How do I select good herbicide options?
  5. How do I manage target-site vs. non-target-site resistance?
  6. How important are herbicide rotation and tank-mixing?
  7. What non-chemical strategies are available and helpful?
  8. What innovative technologies are on the horizon?
  9. How can I develop an IWM strategy?
  10. How are other farmers using IWM?

As in the Basics of Herbicide Resistance page, readers get an initial overview of each answer when they open each section. Those looking for more detailed information have the option to click, “Expand for More Information” at the bottom of each section. 

As the problems and solutions to herbicide resistance evolve and change, these new resources will follow suit, so watch for more information to join these pages, as researchers and farmers learn more about how to manage and mitigate resistance. 

Video and header photo by Claudio Rubione, GROW; narration by Bill Curran, Penn State emeritus/GROW; text and story graphics by Emily Unglesbee, GROW