Spring is Here. Time to Find Your Favorite Weed ID Tool!

Henbit seedling.

Can you recognize every weed growing in your field this spring, from seedling to seedhead?

If not, GROW’s Weed Identification page is here to help! You can find a growing list of weed identification resources, from webpage tools to mobile apps and comprehensive weed guides.

Sitting in front of a computer? Try out these web-based ID tools from the University of Missouri, Virginia Tech and the University of Wisconsin.

Prefer to have a handheld scouting tool for walking your fields? These mobile apps from iNaturalist, ID Weeds, Xarvio Scouting and ScoutPro might work for you. 

Looking for a photo gallery to scroll through instead? Here’s a list of a dozen, organized by their region: Northeast, Midwest, South and West.

Marestail seedling.

And if you prefer an old-fashioned, flip-through hard copy weed guide, check out these four regional options.

Finally, review some pocket guides and some GROW videos on identifying those tricky, lookalike grass weeds.

For information on GROW’s efforts to create a National Ag Image Repository and mapping tools, with the goal of speeding the development of precision ag technology for weed identification, see these news stories.

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Let us know! If you have a resource to recommend or a resource you want to be developed, we want to hear about it.

Text by Emily Unglesbee; Photos by Claudio Rubione, GROW.