What is Precision Weed Management?
Precision weed management is a catch-all term for weed management practices that are applied to different areas or to specific plants within a field, based on where problematic weeds are located. This kind of weed management is also known as site-specific weed management or targeted weed management.

The goal of precision weed management is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of management practices by using the right tool, at the right intensity, at the right time and only where needed.
1. What Are the Goals & Benefits of Precision Weed Management?
The goal of precision weed management is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of management practices by using the right tool, at the right intensity, at the right time and only where needed.
For example, a farmer might use sensors on a spray boom to detect and spray only when weeds are present, or a drone camera might identify areas of a field where a cover crop didn’t grow well – alerting a farmer that they may need to adjust their herbicide usage or fertilizer rates to those areas.
Camera systems can also create maps of crop performance and weed populations within a field, which can help the farmer monitor the effectiveness of their management and make adjustments where necessary. Maps can also inform future management plans. As in the examples above, precision tactics can reduce the amount of herbicides and other inputs needed for crop production while improving overall weed management outcomes and crop yields compared to conventional management practices. This can result in lower production costs and/or higher revenues for farmers, leading to higher farm profitability.
2. What Does Precision Weed Management Look Like Today?

Many forms of precision weed management use camera sensors to detect and distinguish weeds from crops. For example, robotic weeders are being developed to detect and kill weeds based on differences in size and height compared to crop plants.
Cameras, sensors and data processing units mounted on spray booms that can identify and spray individual weeds within a growing crop are at or nearing commercialization, from companies such as John Deere, Blue River Technology, WEED-IT, Greeneye Technology, One SmartSpray and Billberry.

These precision sprayers utilize dual tank systems, which allow applicators to run one set of chemicals through one set of nozzles for broadcast application, while another set of nozzles delivers a different load of chemicals to targeted weeds.
Precision weed management that does not rely on active sensors typically utilizes GPS-guided tractors or robotic platforms and information about field boundaries as well as crop row locations and spacing to apply management practices to areas where crop plants are not expected to be. Examples include inter-row herbicide applications and precision cultivation practices such as band sowing and hoeing.
3. What Are Current GROW Projects on Precision Weed Management?
GROW researchers are actively working on precision weed management projects, including collaborations with Precision Sustainable Agriculture (PSA), a public ag tech development network.
The Agricultural Image Repository (AgImageRepo)
GROW and PSA researchers are actively building an Agricultural Image Repository (AgImageRepo) of weeds, cover crops and common cash crops such as corn, cotton and soybeans.
The goal is to create a database of tens of thousands of high-resolution images collected with uniform protocols that can be used to train sensors and other computer vision models to identify weeds, cover crops and cash crops to the species level in real time. While such databases exist within private industry, the AgImageRepo will be public and open-access, to speed the development of precision ag technologies and make them more accessible and affordable for the entire agricultural community.
Visit Precision Sustainable Agriculture’s Plant and Soil Sensing pages to learn more.

GROW and PSA are collaborating on the development of PlantMap3D, which combines new imaging technology and artificial intelligence to map the species, biomass, and densities of weeds, cover crops, and cash crops.
PlantMap3D uses off-the-shelf cameras and open-source software to generate these maps. It is available as a hand-held unit, a tractor-mounted unit, or multiple cameras networked across large spray-booms. Weed scientists and on-farm research networks across the US are currently testing this new technology, which GROW and PSA aim to make commercially available by 2028.

Visit Precision Sustainable Agriculture’s Plant and Soil Sensing pages to learn more.
Decision Support Tools (DSTs)
GROW and PSA researchers are developing digital tools that assist growers with common farm and weed management decisions, such as what cover crop species best meet their needs or what herbicides are effective on problematic weeds in their region.
Some of these open-source DSTs are online and available for free from PSA now. See the Cover Crop Species Selector, the Cover Crop Nitrogen Calculator, and the Cover Crop Economic Decision Support Tool.
Information from mapping systems such as PlantMap3D can be integrated with these tools to allow them to offer even more detailed and informed recommendations. For example, maps of cover crop biomass will eventually be imported into the Cover Crop Nitrogen Calculator to provide variable-rate fertilizer recommendations based on predicted nitrogen release after cover crop termination.
Visit Precision Sustainable Agriculture’s Plant and Soil Sensing pages to learn more.

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Eyes in the Sky and Eyes on the Ground: The Range of Camera-based Weed Detection

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A Deep Dive on Precision Spraying with the WEED-IT

A Deep Dive on the See & Spray Ultimate System from John Deere & Blue River

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Farmer Forum Recap: Using Drones for Weed Management

Farmer Forum Recap: Cover Crop Termination

Squash Pigweeds With These Cover Crop Management Strategies

A Look at Planter Adjustments for Planting into Cover Crops

How to Manage Cereal Rye in the Upper Midwest for Weed Suppression and Max Yields

All-of-the-Above Management: Weed Control in Organic Grain Production in the Pacific Northwest

Weed Management Planner: Order Your Free Prints Now!

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A Look at Planter Adjustments for Planting into Cover Crops

How to Manage Cereal Rye in the Upper Midwest for Weed Suppression and Max Yields

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Weed Management Planner: Order Your Free Prints Now!

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Farming Peanuts with Cover Crops in Virginia

Crush Kochia by Combining Cover Crops with Residual Herbicides

Combining Cover Crops and Herbicide Applications to Manage Weeds in Cotton Production

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Squash Pigweeds With These Cover Crop Management Strategies

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All-of-the-Above Management: Weed Control in Organic Grain Production in the Pacific Northwest

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Farming Peanuts with Cover Crops in Virginia

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Combining Cover Crops and Herbicide Applications to Manage Weeds in Cotton Production

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The Best Cover Crop and Herbicide Applications for Soybean Yields

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Weed Management Planner: Order Your Free Prints Now!

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Eugene Law
April Dobbs
Daniel Ginn
Matthew Kutugata
Steven Mirsky
Søren Skovsen
Emily Unglesbee
Elizabeth Seyler
Mark VanGessel
Michael Flessner