Learn from the Best: GROW Farmer Case Studies 

Every good ag researcher knows the power of an innovative farmer.

Take, for example, the no-till movement. As the Dust Bowl raged through the 1930s, government and academic scientists started studying the benefits of conservation tillage in a hurry. But the practice didn’t make much headway until, in 1962, a farmer named Harry Young, Jr. picked a highly visible roadside acre of corn in Herndon, KY, and planted it no-till

You can imagine the chatter in the county that year. Five years later, Allis-Chalmers’ no-till planter hit the market and well, the rest is history

GROW has been learning from motivated, progressive farmers for years. Now it’s your turn! (Photo credit: Claudio Rubione, GROW; graphic credit: Emily Unglesbee, GROW)

With that dynamic in mind, GROW’s researchers – and weed scientists around the country – have long worked to partner with cutting edge farmers to explore weed management tactics such as harvest weed seed control, cover crops and more. Side by side with scientists, GROW Outreach specialist Claudio Rubione has captured their experiences with cover crops, planting green, seed impact mills, chaff lining, weed electrocution and more.

For five years, their stories have been scattered around our website and throughout our YouTube channel

Now, we’ve decided to make them a bit easier to find, by creating a new GROW webpage under the Integrated Weed Management tab, called the Farmer Case Studies page, where they’ll live. The videos are sorted by topic; click each accordion to see the videos in each category. 

Click each accordion to open and shut that category of videos. (Graphic credit: Emily Unglesbee, GROW)

We hope this page will continue to grow, as we find new innovators to feature and learn from. If you have a farm or farmer you’d like us to visit, let us know

 Text and header photo by Emily Unglesbee, GROW