Bonus Newsletter for GROW Subscribers

Starting in August, GROW subscribers will have a new e-monthly newsletter coming their way!

Once a month, you’ll get a quick look at the latest and greatest information from a consortium of ag research groups, including the Crop Protection Network, the Soybean Research Information Network, Science for Success and, of course, GROW.

The newsletter is called the Crop Research Alliance, and aims to give readers access to the same kind of vetted, Extension-backed research and news that GROW provides, but on a broader range of topics, including agronomy, diseases, insects and more. Expect to see the following types of content:

  • Research updates
  • News articles
  • New resources, such as factsheets and digital tools
  • Webinar announcements
  • Videos

Questions? Email us here! Want to sign up for the Crop Research Alliance newsletter before August? You can do so here.

The Crop Research Alliance newsletter is a product of the Better Together Initiative from the United Soybean Board. See more here.

Text and images by Emily Unglesbee, GROW