How to Manage Cover Crops in Cotton: A Virginia Farmer’s Experience

Cover crops have a lot to offer Virginia cotton farmer Clay Lowe – namely, weed suppression, nutrient enhancement and soil health – but seizing on all of these benefits isn’t always simple. 

So Lowe has developed a strategic mix of cover crop grass and legume species paired with a careful sequence of termination in the spring to maximize weed suppression and nitrogen availability in his diverse rotation of cotton, peanuts, corn, soybeans and small grains. 

Learn more about how Lowe manages cover crops on his southern Virginia farming operation in this video: 

Learn more about using cover crops for weed suppression on GROW’s webpages on Cover Crop Management and Cover Crop Termination

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Video and photos by Claudio Rubione, GROW; text by Emily Unglesbee, GROW